Producer-consumer cooperative shops

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Within the framework of Economic and solidarity short supply chains, an alternative to the "baskets" system has emerged with cooperative and participatory supermarkets or producer-consumer cooperative shops : La Louve in Paris (modelled on the Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn since 1973), Färm, 18 cooperative shops in Brussels and other cities, La Chouette coop in Toulouse, Beescoop, a cooperative supermarket in Brussels, the Grande Epicerie Générale in Nancy, etc.

  • Cooperative because they have a cooperative status, are non-profit, managed and governed by their members, for their members ;
  • Participatory because the members are also the persons who work on a voluntary basis: i.e. they take shares in the social capital and provide a number of hours of work per month by the members ;
  • Economic and solidarity short supply chains because they give access to quality products at affordable prices (fair price), primarily from sustainable and local agriculture. They promote exchanges, solidarity, sharing and awareness of current food issues.

