Reciproco - Relações de Cidadania entre Produtores e Consumidores

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The Reciproco, based on a reciprocal commitment, is based on the creation of direct local contracts between farmers and consumers in nearby towns and cities, adding a territorial, collective and social dimension (with the establishment of links between farmers and consumers), environmental (with the development of sustainable agriculture, the reduction in transport and the consumption of packaging and the production of other waste), health (with the increase in the consumption of fresh, quality products, with reduced administration of synthetic products), economic (with increased financial security for farmers, marketing of quality products at an affordable price), heritage (with the revaluation of local varieties) and educational (with the raising of public awareness of rural development issues).

History of the concept

Em January 2008, the National Network RECIPROCO (Relações de Cidadania entre Produtores e Consumidores) was formed in Portugal. The RECIPROCO concept is inspired by the practice of Teikei in Japan 40 years ago, CSA in the USA in the 1980s, Canada and the UK in the 1990s.



Based on the document: Rede Nacional RECIPROCO