Régies de quartier et de territoire

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The mission of the Régies de Quartier is to improve collective life in a common space allowing for shared management between the inhabitants who benefit from the project, the elected representatives of the municipality and finally the organisms responsible for the housing. A Régie de Territoire is the transposition of the values and practices of a Régie de Quartier into a rural environment, with the partnership of local economic actors [1].

The Régies the Quartier exist in the areas where public services are scarce or insufficient and the inhabitants feel a need to involve themselves.It has a legal status of Associations and has a democratic governance: the inhabitants are the core of the project, they express their dayly needs in the public space of their neighbourhood and are part of the participatory decisions process. It is thus part of SSE and contribute to the co-construction and co-production of public policies with the their elected representatives.

Some of their fields of action are:

  • contribute to the political urban management of the area in a process of local democracy
  • propose new services;
  • Mediation between inhabitants and other economic or political actors;
  • sensibilisation to local problems and solutions in favour of an active citizenship;
  • tackling unemployment and contributing to the economic integration of the unemployed;
  • Trainings;
  • transport: information on transport possibilities, social driving schools, collective transport services community garages, etc.

History of the concept

In France, the "Régie de Quartier" system was initiated and finalised by the Charte Nationale des Régies de Quartier, in 1991, three years after the creation of the CNLRQ, Comité National de Liaison des Régies de Quartier1, then it was reinforced by the Manifesto in 1993.It participates in the Mouvement de l'ESS since its very beginning and participated at the international level, at the declaration of the RIPESS Intercontinental Lima gathering in 1997.

Main networks working on this issue


  1. L'Economie solidaire en mouvement, Josette Combes, Brunos Lasnier, Jean-Louis Laville, Erès, 2023