GASAP - Groupes d'achat solidaire de l'Agriculture Paysanne

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Template:Based on the article "Paniers bio, GASAP, GAC, dépôts de paniers, AMAP, comment s’y retrouver?" from the Gasap network in Belgium

In Belgium, there are several forms of Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology initiatives (LSPA): the Gasap, the AMAPs as in France, the Flemish CSAs and the Voeldselteams (functioning explained on the site).

These are based on the models of the AMAPs or the Anglo-Saxon CSAs, self-managed models, with constraints on the commitment of consumers to the producer, generally in organic, peasant and sustainable agriculture. They respond to the GASAP charter.

Main networks working on this issue

The Gasap are federated in the GASAP network. In Flanders, it is the network Vvoedselteam



Readable from, an article from SAW-B in Belgium makes the difference between several forms of short agricultural supply chains (circuits-courts in French): "Gasap, Gac, La ruche qui dit oui: du pareil au même?", par Véronique Huens, 2015.